I think the relationship between father and son can be a complicated one…at least it was for us. To be honest, I wasn’t sure about becoming a father. I had some notion that I would someday have kids, as that is the “normal” thing to do. But when I found out we were expecting our first child I was somewhat conflicted. I was conflicted about whether I really wanted kids, or whether I would be a good father or not. And then you came along and I was rather excited!
Being a mother is a tough job. This may seem like the most obvious statement in the world, especially so close to the day we nationally celebrate our moms. It has likely been acknowledged a million times over, but has it been acknowledged enough? Probably not. I am hard-pressed to think of a more challenging and complex role than being a mother. In many ways, it is a job set up for failure. There is just no possible way to meet all the needs that a family requires of a mother. And boy, does a family have a lot of needs!